Sunday, July 8, 2007

My new web layout

This is a web layout I made based on a web tutorial. I'm still working on it to make it my own. This can be my personal website or the template for my blogger. There still a lot of things to do before this website to be actually up and running. This layout used a analogous color scheme. (I think I need to check if the scheme is right!). I leave some white space at the middle layer (above the "Article" layer) for the design to breath and some at the footer. At the beginning, I intended to let the layout fill the screen with no space on the left or right, but when I finish the layout, I think it kinda hard to breath and too tight, so I leave some space there. Actually, on medium resolution screen, there would be no space, but on high resolution screen like 1280 x 800 or above, there should be left and right margin, therefore make it easier to read and viewers feel better.

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